Hello NG
We have a production database that we have moved the tables to SQLServer and
I have been creating stored procedures to replicate some of the processes
done on the access side - the server does processing extremely faster than
access - Here is my problem I am currently pulling info from SQL SERVER to
Access once a w for wly stats I want to create a stored procedure to
process the wly stats and push them to an access table upon request - we
have multiple warehouses and I would like to have the process coded once in
sql and dump to the access table based off a warehouse variable passed to
the stored procedure - Can SQLServer from a stored procedure export a
recordset into a varible defined Access Table?
RandyHi Randy,
Yes this is possible...You can do it by using a linked server. You can
find info about linked servers in SQL Server Books Online. I've given
an outline of the general steps you need to do below.
Hope this helps.
1) Open Query Analyzer and log in using an account with SysAdmin
privileges (e.g. sa). Make sure you are using the "master" database.
2) Type in the following:
exec sp_addlinkedserver '<Linked Server Name>', '<MS Access Version>',
'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', '<Full Path To Access DB>'
<Linked Server Name> can be whatever you want it to be, you will use
this to reference the Access DB.
<MS Access Version> is something like 'Access 97' or 'Access 2003' etc
<Full Path To Access DB> is, well, yeah...
3) Execute what you entered in (2) and then clear the Query Analyzer
window of the command
4) Type in the folliwng into Query Analyzer:
sp_addlinkedsrvlogin '<Linked Server Name>', false, '<SQL Server Login
Name>', 'Admin', NULL
<SQL Server Login Name> is the SQL Server login that will access the
Access DB. Make it something like "sa" if you will be executing the
stored proc under your account.
5) Execute the command entered in (4)
OK, after doing that you can now access you MS Access DB from SQL
Server. To reference a table in Access you have to write:
<Linked Server Name>...<Table Name>
You can do Inserts and other things to this table. In your case you
would probably be wanting to Insert values into the table.
Hope that helps.
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