Saturday, February 25, 2012

REPOST: optimizations job for db maintenance plan failed

This is happening on two of our servers.
We get the warning in the application log as seen here:
But we don't get the SQL Server log entry that is mentioned in that KB
Here are the commands from the jobs (after adding the
option -SupportComputedColumn , as recommended in the KB article) :
Server 1:
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID <GUID> -UpdOptiStats
10 -SupportComputedColumn '
Server 2:
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID <GUID> -Rpt
"G:\MSSQL\MSSQL\LOG\User DB Maintenance0.txt" -WriteHistory -UpdOptiStats
10 -SupportComputedColumn '
Any suggestions, anyone?
JimIf you don't get the SQL Server log entry that is mentioned in the KB
you posted, it may not related at all. By just knowing the warning in
the application event, it is not sufficient to say more.
To find out why the job failed, go to the individual job in EM, right
click and select 'show job history' and check on 'Show Details' box.
It should give you more ideas what went wrong. It could be disk space,
permission, resources conflict issues etc.
Mel|||Hi Mel,
It shows the same message as is in the KB article:
"The job failed. The Job was invoked by User
<computer_system_administrator>. The last step to run was step 1 (Step 1)."
There is only one step:
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID <GUID> -UpdOptiStats
10 -SupportComputedColumn '
It's not clear to me how to troubleshoot further.
"MSLam" <> wrote in message
> If you don't get the SQL Server log entry that is mentioned in the KB
> you posted, it may not related at all. By just knowing the warning in
> the application event, it is not sufficient to say more.
> To find out why the job failed, go to the individual job in EM, right
> click and select 'show job history' and check on 'Show Details' box.
> It should give you more ideas what went wrong. It could be disk space,
> permission, resources conflict issues etc.
> Mel
>|||The error message isn't very helpful, is it :)
Okay last attempt, change the job owner to 'sa', to see if it is
because of that.
If still not joys, back to the old classic rule - re-create the plan
(delete the existing one and create a new one). Did you create the job
manually? If so, try to use the DB Maint Wizard to create the job and
compare the two.
Mel|||Thanks for the tip, Mel!
I've changed job owner to "sa". This job is part of a maintenance that runs
once a month, on the first of the month. We'll see how it goes in a two and
one-half weeks!
The plan was recently recreated, but it could be re-recreated to see if that
Good day,
"MSLam" <> wrote in message
> The error message isn't very helpful, is it :)
> Okay last attempt, change the job owner to 'sa', to see if it is
> because of that.
> If still not joys, back to the old classic rule - re-create the plan
> (delete the existing one and create a new one). Did you create the job
> manually? If so, try to use the DB Maint Wizard to create the job and
> compare the two.
> Mel

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