Wednesday, March 28, 2012

resetting master.mdf

Hey! I downloaded the sql engine and made a bunch of tables in visual basic. They were called new1, new2, new3, and new4. So I deleted new1.mdf, new1.ldf, new2.mdf, etc... but I notice I still can't recreate them. So I'm thinking there's remnants in master.mdf or something?? How would I go about getting rid of all the old tables, even ones whose names I've forgotten, so I can have a clean slate again? (btw I don't have sql server, just the desktop engine)mdf's are not tables..they are databases...

Did you DROP the databases?

If so they are gone....|||thanks for the quick reply. I didn't drop the databases. In the VB code all I did was 'create database... etc'. So, how would I drop all the databases, even if I don't remember the names of all of the ones that I created? Like is there a way to reset all that stuff so it will be like I just installed it?|||SELECT * FROM master..sysdatabases

Just don't touch master, msdb, model, pubs or northwind

And you probably should do some maintenance

Check out|||thanks! I'll check that site out.

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