Friday, March 30, 2012

Resolver Issues

I'm not able to resolve conflicts using the conflict viewer because I have
timestamp columns in my tables. Can I manually resolve these conflicts by
making the necessary changes to the data?
I'm using filters on my articles and I'm noticing that replication is
changing rows in the table that don't meet my filter clause. Well, all
the data didn't change in the row just the Last_Update_Date and
Last_Update_By columns changed. I have a trigger on my tables that
updates these columns. For some reason my trigger is getting fired.
These two columns get updated so replication thinks it needs to push these
changes along to the subscriber. I end up with conflicts if the
subscriber has also changed these rows.
The first thing to figure out is what is causing teh triggers to fire.
As far as manually doing this, you can. The conflict viewer is just another
application which sits over a set of data. You can easily do this yourself.
You can freely read/write to the conflict tables if you choose since the
only things which reads from them is the conflict viewer. If you choose,
you can write your own application to replace the conflict viewer in order
to fit it into your environment and tailor it to your needs.
Principal Mentor
Solid Quality Learning
"More than just Training"
SQL Server MVP
|||I figured out my trigger issue.
I appreciate your help.
"Michael Hotek" <> wrote in message
> The first thing to figure out is what is causing teh triggers to fire.
> As far as manually doing this, you can. The conflict viewer is just
> application which sits over a set of data. You can easily do this
> You can freely read/write to the conflict tables if you choose since the
> only things which reads from them is the conflict viewer. If you choose,
> you can write your own application to replace the conflict viewer in order
> to fit it into your environment and tailor it to your needs.
> --
> Mike
> Principal Mentor
> Solid Quality Learning
> "More than just Training"
> SQL Server MVP

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