Monday, March 26, 2012

Reset Total page number in a group

I know how to reset the page numbers with each group, but how do you reset the total page number within each group.

EX. Code for page of total pages

="Page " & Globals.PageNumber & " of " & Globals.TotalPages

EX. Code to reset within a group

Custom Code:

Shared offset as Integer

Shared currentgroup as object

Public Function GetGroupPageNumber(group as Object, pagenumber as Integer) as Object

If not (group = currentgroup)

offset = pagenumber - 1

currentgroup= group

end if

return pagenumber - offset

end function


What I need is code for a combination of the display code for page of total pages that resets within a group.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



I am facing the exact same need. Anyone solve this?

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